Sunday, November 17, 2013

Let's Get Started

I have decided to start a blog.  I want a way to share with family and friends what we are up to.  We have a few things that we are doing and I thought this would be a great way to keep everyone up to date on the Juhl's.  We had a very busy weekend working around the house.  This is the first weekend we have had in a very long time that didn't revolve around "wedding" stuff.  Jeff and Madison worked really hard yesterday outside.  I went to a holiday bazaar hosted by a co-worker and got a few presents checked off the list.  Then Mom and I went to Cousin Presley's baby shower.  It was so fun to see that pregnant lady! When I got home Madison was hanging out with the "Jeffery Street Gang" riding bikes and of course finding bugs.  Jeff was chatting with the neighbor.  I had high hopes of planting a bunch of bulbs.  It was just toooo cold, so instead I came inside and made hot cocoa for the "Jeffery Street Gang".  It was a hit!  We had spaghetti for dinner and watched my new favorite show 18 and Counting, it is one real "show" I am okay with Madison watching.  Today Jeff and I worked on the garage.  I took a bunch of photos of wedding stuff (that is one of the projects I am up to.  Wedding Rental Business), organizing and putting everything in the attic.  Jeff was a trooper and was basically in the attic all morning organizing everything.  We are relaxing on the couch now before we head out to Grandma Hurkey's for pizza dinner.  It has also been wayyyyy to long since we have been out to the farm.  Everyone is very excited!